Sunday, April 29, 2018

More on Guadalajara

Today was my last day in Guadalajara and it was a hot one!  This morning, it was still cool and I walked to the Hospicio Cabanas.  This is the best thing I’ve done in this city.  Well, then there is the tequila tour yesterday... but that’s outside of town.  This place was built in 1796 and started as an orphanage.  In 1937, Jose Clemente Orozco painted the inside of the Main Chapel.  It is an amazing work of art!  In 1983, it became a museum and because of its architectural beauty, history and culture, in 1997,  it was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO.  It hosts a variety of famous artists and currently exhibits works by Mario Martin del Campo, Carlos Terres and Erik Gjerdevik.  At least these are the ones that really spoke to me.  The grounds emcompassed more than 100 rooms and have 23 courtyards. I spent a couple of hours there.  If you’re in Guadalajara, you have to go.

In the afternoon, I visited Ttaquepaque and Tolana.  It was so hot though.  I liked the first one.  It had a nice plaza and some cool stores.  The latter had a big market that is held on Thursdays and Sundays only.  It was a lot of the same thing and sometimes I wondered if the stuff was made in Mexico or China... I could have skipped Tolana and sip margaritas by the pool.

Overall, this city is not my favorite.  It is too big and crazy for me.  It has some nice architecture and I know I’ve missed a few good places but I’m ready to leave tomorrow.  Adios Jalisco.


  1. Estoy muy feliz de ver te en estas fotos bellas

  2. Replies
    1. No correction necessary, especially with my level of Spanish... I need to stay here another 6 months!
