Sunday, May 6, 2018


It’s been a very special week in the Yucatan and a hot one too!  I’m at the airport in Merida, waiting for my flight to Cuba so I’ll keep it short.  Rhea, my “Filipino daughter” joined me to visit this Southern region of Mexico.  We didn’t stop!  We spent a day going into squares in Merida (yup it’s a grid), we sweated through Chichen Itza (and it was all worth it, it is kind of magical to be amongst these massive structures), we ate our way through Yucatan specialties, we saw flamingos, egrets and crocodiles.  We starred at pink salt lakes and had a Mayan mud bath to boot. We never found the tour to the cemetery but we got to ride a trolley pulled by a horse through the jungle to swim in 3 beautiful cenotes.  We also got to experience the one cenote right to Chichen Itza and it was so crowded that  we didn’t stay long.  We saw more ruins and a cave on the Ruta Puuc.  We saw a video mapping on a church and a monument on Montego. We watch a game of Poktopok before enjoying a 11-course meal at Kuuk at 10:30pm to end our amazing trip last night!

We had 4 hours of sleep before heading to the airport.  I don’t seem to be able to post any pictures at the moment.... May be later...  (They are ready now....) I’ll be out of touch for a week while i am in Cuba.

Thank you my baby Rhea, you made this trip extra special.  Thank you for driving me around the city and off the beaten path.  I had so much fun!!!

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